As you hopefully heard when you signed up for DealShield’s Automatic Purchase Advantage guarantee, each dealer receives a custom rate (guarantee fee per vehicle) that is based on many factors. Among these are our expectations of how many vehicles you will return, as well as the types and quality of vehicles that you purchase. All of this comes from our patent-pending algorithm. While the intent is to keep your guarantee rate as consistent as possible, a small number of dealers experience rate changes each year — which can be higher (based on poor performance) or lower (based on great performance).

We realize that this information is important to you, so we’ve created an online tool that you can check at any time. With the Dealer Dashboard, you’ll gain insights into your performance and see what factors are affecting your guarantee rate.

To get started:

Log into your customer account at with the same credentials that you use for
Once logged in, click the Performance button to access the Dealer Dashboard.
Inside the Dashboard, you’ll be able to see:
Transaction History
Allows you to view your current and expired guarantees, as well as return status. You can also start the return process for any vehicle with an active guarantee.
Return Indicator
Represents the level of vehicle returns that you make. The position of the indicator on the bar represents your performance versus the basis for your guarantee rate. Continually returning more vehicles than expected can negatively impact your score, while lower-than-expected return rates can positively impact it.
Purchase Quality Indicator
Represents the types of vehicles that you buy, the quality of the vehicles, the price you paid versus the market, and much more. This indicator works very similarly to the return score, but represents these factors instead of returns.
Overall Score
Your overall score is the big-picture snapshot of how your performance comes together. Most dealers will always stay in the “white zone,” which means you’re performing as expected and your rate will stay constant. If your performance falls into the “red zone” or the “green zone,” you could experience a rate change — higher or lower, respectively.

We’ve tried to make the Dealer Dashboard as clear and simple as possible, with tools you can use. The transaction summary was created in response to many dealer requests. And the performance information is meant to always let you know how you’re doing, so there are no surprises. Remember, the overall score — or composite score — is the most important metric to keep an eye on in this regard.

To learn more, please feel free to visit the Dealer Dashboard today to see how you’re doing.


— The DealShield Team

DealShield Customer Service: Mon–Fri, 8:30 a.m.–9:30 p.m. Eastern | Phone: 855.246.5556 | Fax: 855.299.6205